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digital assets

Motion Graphics


Products need adequate storytelling to communicate the depth and value to customers and fans. To meet the ever growing demands of our clients, we’ve added motion graphics and visual story telling to our repertoire of services. Our clients use these digital assets for a range of use cases such as websites, social media, investor presentations, and communicating to potential customers.




Air Ventilation
We designed the glasses to make sense on the water. We integrated an air intake and air channel to control the flow of air for comfort and ventilation.

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Wind Guard
The glasses utilize wind guards on the sides and top to prevent winds and light leak from compromising vision and comfort while out at sea.

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Area Light No Map Textures w Ball.56-1.png
Area Light No Map Textures w Ball.49-1.png
Area Light No Map Textures w Ball.47-1.png
Area Light No Map Textures w Ball.46-1.png
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